TDS : RISE 1.3.23 APK
Latest Version:
Publish Date:
Dec 26 2023
Receding peace of the world and the return of a wicked curse...Fox beastmen, once cursed by King Lich, sought refuge on the sky island of Magonia to escape their fate.While peace has returned to the world, rumors abound of a villainous Dark Mage spreading demons throughout the land.You have been entrusted with the mission of rescuing Fox Beastmen from the curse of King Lich.The fate of the world rests on your shoulders. Are you ready to join the pursuit of peace?ⶠHundred years after trumphant victory over King Lichâ¦and rises on another tragedy- Chaos reigns once more as evil forces resurface... Break the curse of King Lich and save the fox beastmen once more.ⶠGather resources and strategically pursue peace!- Sharpen your weapon skills and equip yourself for intense battles as you plan your strategic gameplay.- Defeat the followers of the Dark Mage and their demon minions to amass resources.- Communicate with spirits to enhance your abilities.ⶠEngage in diverse and strategic battles with various weapons and skills!- Experience a fast-paced leveling system as you collect weapons and acquire rare equipment that grows stronger with each rank.- Enjoy visually stunning battles with spectacular skills and unique weapons.ⶠJoin forces with mighty mythical creatures and work together to become a trusted hero.- Unleash the power of mythical creatures as you journey through intense battles.- Gain the blessings of these creatures as you progress through stage battles and receive idle rewards.ⶠUnique, dazzling and powerful signature costumes!- Upgrade your look and enhance your battle strategy with signature costumes.- Battle with style using costumes that showcase your personality and skills.ⶠGet a taste of fun from training!- Gain daily training points through "meditation."- Strengthen and boost attack, life force, and skills with accumulated points.ⶠNever-ending adventure, even when youâre offline!-Achieve rapid progression and experience thrilling achievements through idle gameplay. - Experience endless growth through offline cumulative reward system.App Permissions[Optional Permissions] - READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - CAMERA : required storage access permission to save game data
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TDS : RISE APK Version History
- TDS : RISE 1.3.23 for Android 5.1 or higher APK Download
Version : 1.3.23 for Android 5.1 or higher
Update on : 2023-10-31
- TDS : RISE 1.3.21 for Android 5.1 or higher APK Download
- TDS : RISE 1.3.14 for Android 5.1 or higher APK Download
- TDS : RISE 1.2.13 for Android 5.1 or higher APK Download